On February 14 2018 an expelled student entered Parkland Floridas Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and opened fire killing 17 people and woundin...
Pope Benedict VIII crowns Henry II Roman German Emperor
Jewish Cardinal Pietro Pierleone elected as anti-pope Anacletus II
English Archbishop Thomas Cranmer declared a heretic
Dutch fleet of 69 ships reaches Pernambuco Brazil
The B-52s one of the strangest and to fans most irresistible pop groups ever to achieve mainstream success makes its worldwide debut at a Valentine...
In Chicago gunmen in the suspected employment of organized-crime boss Al Capone murder seven members of the George Bugs Moran North Siders gang i...
Sir Alexander Fleming was a young bacteriologist when an accidental discovery led to one of the great developments of modern medicine on this day in 1929. Havin...
On February 14 1779 Captain James Cook the great English explorer and navigator is murdered by natives of Hawaii during his third visit to the Pacific islan...
On February 14around the year 278A.D. Valentine a holy priest in Rome in the days of Emperor Claudius II was executed.Under the rule of Claudius the Cruel R...
President John F. Kennedy authorizes U.S. military advisors in Vietnam to return fire if fired upon. At a news conference he said The training mission...
Despite an increasingly active antiwar movement a Gallup Poll shows that a majority of those polled (55 percent) oppose an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops ...
On February 14 1988 U.S. speed skater Dan Jansen a favorite to win the gold medal in the 500-meter race at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary falls during ...
On this day in 1884 future President Theodore Roosevelts wife and mother die only hours apart.Roosevelt was at work in the New York state legislature ...
Destined to become one of the states major exports the first trainload of oranges grown by southern California farmers leaves Los Angeles via the trans...
On this day fans of Charles Dickens organize the Boz Ball an elite party for the celebrated writer who had arrived in the United States in January for a five-...
On this day in 1938 the former silent film actress Hedda Hopper pens the first installment of what would become her tremendously influential gossip column in t...
On this day in 2000 a series of tornadoes moves through southern Georgia wreaking havoc and killing 18 people.The storm system that swept across the southeast...
Fourmen dressed as police officers enter gangster Bugs Morans headquarters on North Clark Street in Chicago line seven of Morans henchmen again...
At a meeting of the presidents of Nicaragua Honduras Guatemala Costa Rica and El Salvador the leftist Sandinista government of Nicaragua agrees to free a n...